JG AK47 Wood AEG w/Underfolding Stock by Jing Gong
The JG AK-47S Tactical is a great replica of the famous assault rifle that is in use by the Russian military as well as many other military organizations all over the world. The AK-47S has a stock that folds away under the gun to make it great for CQB
- Top quality metal gear & metal part electric rifle
- 1:1 full scale to real gun
- Shoot 6mm plastic bullet
- Semi-Auto, Full auto & Safe Switch
- Adjustable Hop Up system
- Muzzle speed 310-340 Foot Per Second with 0.2G BB
- Shooting range 120-200 FT
- 8.4V 1050 MAH battery, 8.4 volt DC 250mAh Battery charger included
- Battery charge time: 4 hours
- Wind up high capacity magazine: 600 round BB capacity
- Come also with clearing rod and manual
- With fixed Orange muzzle
- TM compatible